The growing stability of mindfulness predisposes us to move beyond superficiality, to penetrate experience and investigate it in order to have a deeper understanding. Gradually, we begin to have insights into why our thoughts, feelings, and emotions arose in the first place. But mindfulness is not just inward looking. It can guide our outward actions.
Clear comprehension illuminates how our relationship to our experience can either cause suffering or cultivate wisdom. This enables us to nurture a different, more helpful response the next time we encounter a challenging situation, person, or thought. It helps us to remain calm and grounded when in the midst of an argument with a child, neighbor, boss, or partner; when we confront illness; when we face loss or when our country is in turmoil.
We can draw on our cultivated tranquility and access an inner guidance and act skillfully to encourage what leads to wisdom and compassion and resist what does not.
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